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Lower Case to Upper Case

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What is a lower case to upper case converter?

Lower case to upper case converter automatically converts the lower-case text to the capital letter without rewriting or changing it manually.

Transform text from our lower to upper case

This upper case converter focuses on each lower-case letter entered in the text area and converts it into capital letters or alphabets.

However, there is an exception to this tool.


You can use our upper case tool exclusively to capitalize your small case letter, irrespective of its font case. It means that if you have already entered upper case text into the text area, then it would remain the same. Only the lower case letters will change.


Use this method to convert lower case to caps on a single click.

  • Copy the lower case text you consider changing from the text editor you are using.

  • Once copied, open the link upper case converter.

  • Paste the copied text into the text area appearing on the screen.

  • Click on the upper-case button. And there you go. Your lower-case text is automatically capitalized and you can use it. Similarly, by this method, you can use upper case to lower case converter.

  • You can also copy your converted capital text by clicking on the copy button.

Why use our lower case to upper case tool?

While writing something or after completing your work, you forget to capitalize certain words, for example, you have written a well-intended sales copy but forget to highlight attention-grabbing lines then definitely you are not going to get a breakthrough. In that case, our tool comes into play.

  • If you do not know or find it difficult that how to convert lower case to upper case in word or excel then you can simply use our tool to tackle this problem.

  • You can not only convert small text but also you can convert sentence cases to the capitalized cases by using our tool.

  • This tool becomes super convenient for you when you are to convert large text files. It will do your work instantly.

  • Our upper case converter is user-oriented, which means you can use it anytime with the text ranging from a few words to a complete document.

  • Our upper case tool is also user-friendly as it supports all extensions of text files like .txt, .doc, .docx, etc.